Cathy Barrow shares why her real holiday is actually the day after Thanksgiving.
Cathy Barrow shares why her real holiday is actually the day after Thanksgiving.
Cathy Barrow shows the Washington Post why the Pâté Grandmère is a popular dish across France.
Even if I didn’t have a calendar, I would know it was fall from the autumnal projects in the kitchen. In the market, there are pole beans and some shelling beans, a few chiles and peppers, potatoes, onions, leeks and fennel. Squashes and cauliflower. Kale and chard and spinach. The pantry is packed with jars… Read more »
Cathy Barrow shares how America’s most obscure fruit can make the best ice cream.
Cathy Barrow shares how to get ahead in your holiday baking by preparing and freezing your pies to bring out for Thanksgiving.
It all started with the quail eggs. Will at Whitmore Farm is raising quail and every darn week those pretty speckled tiny eggs are there at the booth. Irresistable. I devilled a dozen a couple of weeks ago. The eggs are so tiny I snipped the top and removed the yolk with a demitasse spoon. By slicing across base, removing a… Read more »
Cathy Barrow shares her DIY Feta recipe with the Washington Post.
Cathy Barrow shows readers how to use watermelon rind to make pickles