December 26, 2010

(Let’s just drop that pesky ’11 or 2011 or whatever.)

The Co-Creators: Mrs. Wheelbarrow and The Yummy Mummy

Twitter Hashtag: #Charcutepalooza

We’re kicking off the twelve months of meat so aptly named Charcutepalooza by Kim.  This is a remarkable opportunity to learn as a group, to share experiences, and to explore far and wide how we approach the elegant “craft of salting, smoking and curing.”

There is little doubt it’s time to think about the meat we eat. How we use the animals raised for consumption. How we treat them. How they are butchered. And how the whole beast is used to feed our families.

Stories of meat tainting and commercially farmed animals in hideous circumstances are far too common. Wouldn’t it be better to celebrate the appropriate, thoughtful consumption of meat with a year long exploration of the age old craft of charcuterie?

Charcutepalooza (say it with us, “shar-coo-ta-pa-loo-za”)

We want to make it easy and fun to participate. If you are in, send me a message using the contact form on this blog. Include your name and your blog address. Everyone participating will be listed (with links) on a page linked to

If you don’t know where to hang meat in your studio apartment, don’t worry. There will be plenty of projects that do not require hanging meat. Duck prosciutto aside, each month’s project will be crafted with a wide range of applications in mind.

We’re using Charcuterie: The Craft of Salting, Smoking, and Curing as our guide. Michael Ruhlman has said he’ll be involved. More on that soon.

Already it looks like an amazing community of talented cooks will be involved. Watch for posts from GlutenFreeGirl and The Chef, Last Nights Dinner and A Dash of Bitters, Heathy Green Kitchen, TasteFood, The Peche, NotDerbyPie and Hedonia, to name just a few.

If you’re not a blogger, you can still participate. Post your experiences on the round-up post in the comment section, and share photos at our Flickr site. Or just read along and watch what happens. I’m hoping for a few good stories.

Hang on to your hats because there is more to come. Punk Domestics wants to run with this, showcasing blog entries from our Charcutepalooza. And Kim and I are brainstorming all sorts of fun and games. More on that later.

For now, let’s get on with it.

The Ruhls

  • Let’s celebrate the age-old talents and skills of charcuterie with contemporary takes on techniques, flavors and presentation.
  • Let’s agree to use humanely raised meat, sourced as close to home as possible.
  • Let’s write about our experiences. Not just how the charcuterie is made, but how we use it, serve it, flavor it.
  • Buy a copy of  ‘Charcuterie: The Craft of Salting, Smoking, and Curing’ by Michael Ruhlman.
  • Cook along as often as practical. There’s no obligation.
  • Post about your experiences on the 15th of the month.
  • Display the Badge, if you are so inclined; here’s how: Copy the following code into a widget on your website:

<a target=”_blank” href=””><img src=””


Right click on the badge to the right and save it then insert on your site and link it to:

Please, let’s not post the charcuterie recipes. However, recipes that use what you’ve made – that’s what we hope you will post. And presentation. And the photos. We know we’re going to love the photos.

How it will work

I’ll post a monthly charcuterie challenge on the 15th of each month. This will kick off the project and offer some tips for success. You’ll have one month to complete your take on the challenge.

Kim will post her take on the monthly challenge on the 15th, also. She’ll be addressing the charcuterie from her never-done-it-before point of view.

We hope our two perspectives will give you plenty of help and information to get on with some meat-making. We’re also hoping to get some expert help at a monthly twitter talk. More on that later.

(January is a special circumstance. We’ll start with Duck Prosciutto, for posting January 15th. That post is coming in a day or two. As soon as I catch my breath.)

We’ll post a round up of links on the 30th of each month. If we can find some sponsorships, maybe we can figure out some contests or giveaway. More on that later.

And each month, Kim will post her experiences, as a newcomer to meat-crafting. I can’t wait to see what she will get up to. Last I heard, she was looking for nightclothes for her duck breasts. No, not kidding.

We’re terrified and thrilled to set off on this project. Can’t wait to see how the charcuterie is served in your homes.

More on that later,

XO Cathy & Kim

Charcutepalooza. The Year of Meat.

Update: Throughout the year, you’ll find all the challenges here.

222 Responses to “Charcutepalooza. Let’s make meat.”

  1. Barbara @ VinoLuciStyle

    You certainly piqued my interest as I was vested in the search for cheesecloth and can’t wait to see the comparison between it and a nightie Kim. Understanding that ‘nighty’ in this house is sweats.

  2. Gail

    This is the BEST new project EVER! You need T-shirts AND aprons AND trucker hats.
    This is quite a movement, people! Quite! Hats off to you!

    BTW, J won’t let me hang the ducks in the handbag/shoe closet, no matter how fashionably I dress them.

  3. Eda

    I love this idea! The last time I preserved meat was for the Illinois state science fair in 7th grade (and took 3rd place)–its already bringing back some memories. Thank you for a year of charcuterie and the camaraderie. I’m looking forward to it 🙂

  4. Avra

    I’ve been watching the #charcutepalooza discussion so far on Twitter and I’m intrigued. I’ve never done anything like this before either, but since my husband is super-keen for anything that involves meat, it should be an adventure to look forward to. I hope we make it through the first challenge!

  5. Laura Levy

    This sounds like so much fun! Ironically, I started reading Charcuteire this last week as understanding this craft is a sort of culinary new years resolution! Count me in!!

  6. Julia

    Would love to be involved – but being the above-mentioned owner of a city studio apartment, will have to keep track of all of your adventures and when I see my moment jump in! Good luck to you all!

  7. Christine

    I am in!!

    I am also going to be in France the last week of January and plan to take lots of pictures of charcuterie there for comparison sake.

  8. Erika

    We have been doing something similar over at Meat Club Charcuterie.

    I’ll repost as some of our readers/group members may want to participate. We have had a lot of fun and learned a great deal. Sounds like you will too!

  9. Fat Englishman

    Now that’s what I call a new year’s resolution worth making AND keeping! Bravo! So much more worthwhile than all this weight-loss nonsense that prevails at this time of year 🙂

  10. Ranee @ Arabian Knits

    Alright, I’m in. I was worried I’d have to commit each month, but I see I don’t have to do that. I’m not sure I’ll be doing the first month’s, as our budget is tight and we’re trying to live out of our pantry this next month, but I’m game for trying some of these.

  11. briggs

    count me in too! i’m a little scared and a lot excited to try this! we’ve got great sources for humane, ethically raised meat here in seattle, so let the charcutepalooza begin!

  12. JuliusCaesar

    Meat – of course. The Perfect year !

    “I’m not a vegetarian, but I eat animals who are” – Groucho Marx

  13. Canadian Doomer

    Okay, this is funny. Last night I posted “What I Want to Do With a Pig”. (It has had far less hits than I expected, so maybe people really think I want do nasty things??)

    I’m not sure I’ll get involved in anything like duck, but I’ll definitely try and join in with some of your pig recipes.

  14. Couscous & Consciousness

    Okay, this is just the kind of project that really “floats my boat” (do people say that in America?). Anyway, I’ve been doing a lot of “reappraising” of my blog over the last few weeks, and really want to participate in events which are more educational than just glorified “recipe swaps”. For me starting my blog was in large part about educating others and at the same time stretching my own culinary boundaries, so I would love to participate in this. Guess I will have to wait a few months to try making the duck breasts though, as right now it is summer where I am and there is no cool place to hang up my breasts. By about May though the ambient temperature in my apartment should be just about right! – no garage needed!! Look forward to joining in with the next challenge.

  15. Brian Silvey

    In. Love this idea. I have been working on covnerting an old fridge into a curing chamber. I’ve aslo been reading Rhulman’s book. Very excited to give this a try. Bought the duck today. It was frozen and expensive. yikes.

  16. Jen

    Yes! My last charcuterie project involved hanging chorizo to dry in my bedroom, which was both hilarious and tasty. Looking forward to picking up tips from other apartment dwellers on drying/curing!

  17. Kim Adams

    Picking up my hoof on pig leg from Buku Farms this Saturday (Detroit Eastern Market) to make prosciutto. Would love to participate!!

  18. Jen

    I’m a late as well, but I’d love to join in! I went and bought Ruhlman’s book (it was on my wish list, anyway) and I’m ready for some meat!

  19. noëlle {simmer down!}

    ^Hi, Kim! *waves* (She’s going to show me how to do the prosciutto leg, I can’t wait!)

    I’m a bit confused about the duck prosciutto, does this mean that it needed to be done by the 15th? So if we haven’t started that, we should just wait for the next one to join in?

    • noëlle {simmer down!}

      Ahh, never mind, I see it’s an 8-day project so I could potentially still squeeze it in. I’m in the process of moving to a new house which has a little crawl space in the basement that I think will be perfect, can’t wait to test it out!

  20. Duckandcake

    I’m in – how could I resist that beautiful pig widget??? I may miss this month’s post due to travel but will still try to do the duck prosciutto…


  21. Judy

    I love a party! Count me in! I have made pancetta– and some headcheese– want to do more. Living in Italy I have access to great products here- but as a cooking teacher like to teach others too. Practice makes perfect!

  22. kate hill

    I love to see the new energy around these old crafts. I’ve got a couple magret seche (how we say duck prociutto in France!) hanging in my Piggery & ready for sampling now. My favorite Gascon way to serve it? with foie gras on a winter greens salad, its the sweet/bitter/savoury/fatty

  23. Gareth @ Stumptown Savoury

    Alright! Meat. Salty pig parts. Oh, wait, it starts with duck. Hmm, well, I’ll join in next month, there’s no way I can get duck in time unless I go grab one from the neighbor’s duck pond and do a quick sacrificio. Bu they probably wouldn’t appreciate that.

  24. Elle Ross

    Living in a condo in Florida, I’ve no place to cure, but I’ll definitely jump in on the projects I can do. Looking forward to reading everyone’s blogs this year!

  25. Natalie Sztern

    This interests me greatly but before I buy Charcuterie I need to know; as a home cook who has limited access to meats outside of a supermarket, what could or would be the dangers in my curing meat at home? Listeria…unwanted airborne contamination….are just a few of my novice thoughts on ‘can this happen’?

    My storage facilities are minimal and have no cold storage outside of a fridge…can I still participate? My first ever ‘cured’ anything was when Mr. Ruhlman did a salmon and I followed the recipe…I had such surprise and pride eating it that it has become a staple in my house.

    • Cathy

      Charcuterie is such a broad category, Natalie, challenges will cover all sorts of product, only some of which are cured. I hope you are able to source pastured, humanely raised meat, rather than depending on your supermarket. The difference is dramatic, in so many ways.

  26. Barry Matthews

    I don’t have a blog but this is going to be great. My wife and I are remodeling our garage to make and sell sausages, hams, bacon and salami, Got Ruhlmans book, Brain P. and the Ruhlman did a great job. Can’t wait to follow this.

  27. wendy

    Wow! This sounds amazing! Count me in. If it’s to late for this month I’ll for sure participate in future months!

  28. W. Mark Felt

    I won’t be able to participate, though I may have to make a few of these “side projects”, but what a great idea! Best of luck with Charcutepalooza 2011.

  29. John Jezl

    I just read about this!

    I am already working my way through Charcuterie (just over half way). I’d love to join in here. I may do some alternatives if y’all repeat one that I’ve already done. And while I /have/ done the Duck Prosciutto (oddly enough it was my first item out of the book), I will be making the trek this afternoon to pick up a nice fat duck to use (and save the legs for confit…).

  30. Jean Denham

    We’re on the road until January 21st – but, since I have made duck prosciutto before, this will be o.k. to get in the last minutes.

    this is such a fun sounding year long project – so glad I was told about it.

    Count me in~

  31. Heritage Valley Poultry Nels Anderson

    Hello to all of the Foodies throughout the World!!! I am in on this project also My family and I raise and process Organic DUCK CHICKEN TURKEY GOOSE and even Rabbit , We have been doing this for almost a year in Utah We have a POULTRY CSA and offer product through our local Markets Restaurants and E-mail orders. DUCK Proscueto what a great idea I can offer Duck Breast or the whole Duck your choice Nels Anderson Heritage Valley Poultry 12025 North 10800 West Tremonton, Utah 84337 435-770-2365

    • Cathy

      There’s no obligation to do every challenge, but we hope it will look like so much fun, you wouldn’t dream of missing it.

  32. Jen

    Great idea! My book won’t arrive in time for the first challenge, but I’m looking forward to Februrary.

  33. Sharon

    Love to participate! We’ve been talking about a smokehouse for a long time. Maybe I can even get my husband involved! This is great…I’m so looking forward to it.

  34. Cole Marvin

    This is fantastic! I started the project to work through Charcuterie about a year ago and recently completed my curing chamber which i blogged. I can’t wait to begin curing with you guys! 2011 is definitely looking up already! Brilliant idea!

  35. ErinP

    We have been meaning to do this for at least a year. This is good motivation to actually do it. Looking forward to tagging along. Cheers!

  36. Jennifer@PinkGuitarFarm

    We just started raising heritage woodlot pork in Middle Tennessee and are very excited to learn about the best ways to preserve this lovely meat. We are looking forward to all of the creative posts and ideas that come about as a result of this challenge and LOVE the promotion of humanely raised farm animals!

  37. trinichad

    looking forward to this = will have to go with past duck prosciutto experiences (a few – have to check my notes) since i found it so late

  38. Marty Maloney

    I’m in! Fantastic idea for 2011. Have 20 pages to finish reading Ruhlman’s great ‘Making of a Chef’ and then crack open ‘Charcuterie’ tonight. I’ll be behind on the duck prosciutto, but I’ll catch up! (PS; I’m an Irish guy who grew up in an Italian neighborhood on Long island where many made their own Salumi, Sauces, Wines, etc. totally from farm to table) Can’t wait to get going!

  39. Scott

    I am in…been working through some of the stuff from the book already…mostly fresh sausage, corned beef, and kraut plus a few others. Definitely want to dive in and wouldn’t mind having others in the same pool – makes questions and answers more pertinent. Bonus is Michael will be on board giving some insights. I know he has answered me personally but I’m sure he’s a tad busy and having him chime in rather than answer individually might be a better use of his time.

    • Cathy

      Scott, you might want to jump in to the Twitter pool, too. The #charcutepalooza hashtag is going all day and night — great information sharing.

  40. Norizan Paterra

    Dear Cathy,

    Thank you for replying to my previous post. I think I accidentally deleted the post when I wanted to reply. Sorry about that. We took your advise and tasted our duck. Yes indeed it was ready and delicious. Thank you so much and we are on to the next challenge.
    ps: Any tips on how to slice thinly?

    Thank you.

    • Cathy

      Hi Norizan, I put the duck in the freezer for a few minutes and then it sliced thin very easily.

  41. donna howe

    I am way behind. I just heard about this today from a coworker. I am really excited to delve into the meaty projects. D

  42. Cindy

    I am so excited to jump in… I ordered my book and I know I am behind in the duck but I will catch up as soon as I can. But I am so, so in!!!!

  43. Michelle Graceffa

    I’ve had this book for awhile and only made a few things from it. Now I have an extra push to use it more often!

  44. Walter Jeffries

    Excellent proposition. A mutual reader had your badge on his site and I’m just starting to explore your posts now. We raise pastured pigs here in the mountains of northern Vermont. Winter, our current season, is the challenge. Since we deliver fresh to stores year round we also must farrow year round. Weather like today at -11°F makes it, er, interesting. The latest two litters of piglets, born this past week are doing well and will mature in the easy months of the warm summer.


    Sugar Mountain Farm
    Pastured Pigs, Sheep & Kids
    in the mountains of Vermont
    Read about our on-farm butcher shop project:

  45. Mary Arthur

    Looking forward to following along with my Culinary Arts students (H.S. level) — we may not be doing these is the proper order, but the students are currently in a week of producing fresh and smoked sausages — all from Ruhlman’s book. Looking forward to the Charcutepalooza challenges in the months to come.

    Thanks for coming up with this!

  46. Natashya

    Oh wow! I have been wanting to learn more about charcuterie and have this book on my wishlist. I was just looking for someone to do it with and you guys are already curing! So cool. I am definitely in. Just going to order the book today.

  47. Michael Scott

    Okay, I spent some time going over this and I am in. The directions for the challenge were not real clear to me because I am not sure which I am, an apprentise or not. I cook pretty well and have brinded before so I will start with the beef task once my book arrives. Here we go.

    • Cathy

      Hi Michael – You’re welcome to do either challenge. The apprentice challenge will tend to be a little more straightforward, and will be possible to do without a curing chamber or any unusual equipment. The charcutiere challenge will ask you to stretch a little more, may require a curing chamber, and is a little tougher. Hope that helps!

  48. Shane

    Huh, well, I realize I basically managed to do the first two months challenges without signing up (I’d been dying to try my hand at the duck prosciutto after hearing about a friend doing it, and I’d just tried doing some bacon not too long after that just finished tonight), so I figure I’ll continue. Time to find me a nice brisket 🙂

    Thanks for setting this up, I’m looking forward to seeing what shows up in future months.

  49. Elizabeth

    Since we raise our own pigs, purchase as much food as possible locally – including raw milk, AND since I am a life-long home cook and canner, charcutepalooza should be quite fun. I’ll be participating when I can!

  50. Marian

    I’m so late – but I’d like to be in. Had a love affair with Ruhlman’s Charcuterie four years ago and would have loved to have had the opportunity to figure out the things I did wrong – oh so many (and brag on the ultimate pancetta and jowls that ruined me for all others). Out to get a brisket!

  51. star

    How can anyone seriously think meat is healthy? Or that any slaughter is ‘humane’?
    Meat is unnecessary, even if you do-it-yourself it is incredibly wasteful of resources and is screwing up the planet. It also promotes violence towards other creatures non-human and otherwise, a great thing for us Mum’s to teach our kids!
    Real health is a meat-free diet. Read the China Study by Dr. T Colin Campbell and about any other reputable health book that is willing to drop cultural conditioning and look at the facts – meat is bad for you!

    Here’s to a year of compassion, and vibrant health.

  52. Janie

    I am joining in..late-I am waiting for the book to arrive.
    I have done some of this before..have made sausages and corned my own beef in the past…I did NOT pay attention to the grinding process so that’s on my agenda…I always wanted to be able to smoke things-my grandfather made his own prosciutto….
    I as a rule look for grass fed meats and organic dairy we’ll see what this can lead to…looking forward to this.

  53. Billy Rhomboid

    Well, if I can still join this late in the day, I’m in.
    We rear our own pigs and geese and sheep and experiment with charcuterie on a weekly basis. I just wish I had seen this 9 months ago, but I have to confess to being a bit of a luddite when it comes to the interweb. It has taken me a year to work out how to have a blog and I have just spent a fruitless hour trying to insert the Charcutapalooza widget into it. Inserting venison into a galantine is much more my thing.

  54. Ghislaine Ball

    I know it’s late but I’d like to get in on this too!

    any chance of a Charcutepalooza part deux?

    • Cathy

      You can work your way through the challenges – just click on the charcutepalooza link above. The Charcutepalooza community seems pretty strong – just check in at the #charcutepalooza hashtag on Twitter for advice!

      In the meantime, I’ve been cooking up a new idea. Details soon.


  55. Sri

    I just blogged about my homemade pate and as I was submitting it to Punk Domestics to share, I learned about what you guys are doing over here! I’m thrilled!

  56. Sue

    Wow! Love this. I order my meat locally every year through nutrafarms Inc. All free range, no hormones etc… I wish I’d seen this earlier!
    Check out
    They deliver Ll over Ontario. Happy meat year!

  57. Jerry

    How could I miss this blog for so long?! Last week I bought Ruhlman’s book and started searching for variations on some recipes and Charcutelapooza had quite a few hits. Thanks for inspiring me to start curing again! I am lucky that where I live now we have lot of Amish farms so good meat is easy to get.

  58. Cybele

    I’m making my first duck prosciutto this week. It’ll use it in my South West French recipes that call for the pork version.
    Also, the French pronunciation for “charcute” sounds like “sharcroot” with the accent on the second syllable. “Charcuterie” sounds like “sharcootree” with the accent on the third syllable. The “e” in the middle is silent. Thus, “Charcutepalooza” should be pronounced “sharcootpalooza”. Sorry for being so pedantic but there’s no shame in using the right pronunciation, is there?

    • Cybele

      As Rick Perry said, “oops”! I added an R to “sharcoot” that doesn’t belong there. I must have been thinking about the meal I made the other night.

  59. Jason Bartner

    Hello – I hope I’m not too late! I would love to enter. We have just hung 100 kilos of sausages & salami in the rafters of our farmhouse in Italy!
    Please email me if I am too late or can still enter. Thanks



  1.  Tweets that mention Kicking off Charcutepalooza (new blog post) #charcutepalooza --
  2.  Posts I Wish I'd Written in 2010 « Doris and Jilly Cook
  3.  Tweets that mention Love this! leads the #Charcutepalooza, inspiring home cooks to new heights. --
  4.  Vegetable soup for Meatless Monday.
  5.  In January, Anything is Possible… « oh, briggsy…
  6.  How to Cure and Smoke Salmon « Doris and Jilly Cook
  7.  No Proscuitto for Raccoons! « Roast • Muddle • Rise.
  8.  Charcutepalooza – The Year of Meat « Tasting Notes from the Edge
  9.  2011- A Year of Learning Charcuterie « punkrockfoodforum
  10.  2011- A Year of Learning Charcuterie « punkrockfoodforum
  11.  Announcements: Charcutepalooza and OpenSky | Michael Ruhlman
  12.  Crafty-Ass Witch » Blog Archive » Complacency & Crossroads
  13.  Food - Charcutepalooza! | Free Online
  14.  Weekly Wrap « Show Me Eats
  15.  Charcuterie: The Craft of Salting, Smoking, and Curing
  16.  Smoked, brined range chicken and a Charcuterie Challenge « Pink Guitar Farm
  17.  A Year of Charcuterie - Outsider's Almanac
  18.  Charcutepoolza January: Duck Prosciutto :: punkerdoo
  19.  Chicken Pot Pie to Prepare for Charcutepalooza « My Morning Chocolate
  20.  Charcutepalooza- Oh Yeah » I'm Not a Foodie (i just eat a lot)
  21.  Reader: January 13, 2011 | updownacross
  22.  Duck Prosciutto – Part II « Tasting Notes from the Edge
  23.  A Charcutepalooza I Shall BE | Eye'z In A Cookbook
  24.  Charcutepalooza: Duck Prosciutto — Last Night's Dinner
  25.  Duck Breast Prosciutto | Foodie Lawyer
  26.  Not so Lucky, Ducky « Snappy Service Cafe'
  27.  Charcutepalooza-ing: Duck Prosciutto « One Vanilla Bean
  28.  The Duck Butcher: Preparing for Charcutepalooza, Part 1 « Braise, Boil, Bake
  29.  Carcutepalooza: Duck Prosciutto | Some Pig
  30.  Duck Prosciutto, Astronauts and Grief | Grow & Resist
  31.  We’re All In This Together (O.C.M.S.) « piginapen
  32.  Makin’ Bacon – And Other Things | The Chance Curator
  33.  Charcuterie- Duck Prosciutto and Other Duck Love | Grow & Resist
  34.  Meet My Meat: Charcutepalooza | PhilosYphia
  35.  Off & Running! | Fin Feather Food
  36.  I Missed the Charcutepalooza Boat | FRANtastic Food
  37.  Meaty Monday: Belly Up « Glutton For Life
  38.  Three Years of Red Cook | Red Cook
  39.  Charcutepalooza Duck Breast Proscuitto | Eye'z In A Cookbook
  40.  Eating Wilbur- January Piggy Stats » I'm Not a Foodie (i just eat a lot)
  41.  Hello, My New Friend
  42.  Food - January Challenge: Duck Prosciutto | Free Online
  43. » There goes the beer fridge…
  44. » Blog Archive » Living HOMEGROWN: Bringing Home The Bacon
  45.  Charcutepalooza: Duck Breast Prosciutto | Lost Arts Kitchen
  46.  Lentil and Rice Soup | Deviled Text
  47.  Food Safety and Common Sense for Charcuterie | Michael Ruhlman
  48.  Charcutepalooza Challenge #2: Sizzlin’ Bacon, a Late Winter Dalliance | Leave Me the Oink
  49.  Food - Brining | Free Online
  50.  Fresh Bacon and Pancetta | Downtown in MKE
  51.  Bootleg Bacon, so good, it might be illegal. « Pink Guitar Farm
  52.  Charcutapalooza – Salt Cure |
  53.  Baconskillz – Salamiskillz – Prociuttoskillz – We gets em. | Hyperlocavore (The Blog)
  54.  Baconskillz – Salamiskillz – Prociuttoskillz – We gets em. | Hyperlocavore (The Blog)
  55.  a foray into curing prosciutto | simmer down! (a food lover's blog)
  56.  home cured bacon and frisée aux lardons | simmer down! (a food lover's blog)
  57.  Lemon Confit | Michael Ruhlman
  58.  Homemade Duck Prosciutto – Another Charcutepalooza Project! « Vivek's Epicurean Adventures
  59.  Charcutepalooza: Duck Proscuitto, Step 1 « The Foodwhisperer
  60.  The Mysterious Mr. Beef aka, March Charcutepalooza Challenge | edamame eats
  61.  Brining Duck « WTF Am I Cooking?
  62.  Charcutepalooza – Brining and Learning | Tastes better with friends
  63.  Food - April Challenge: Hot Smoking | Free Online
  64.  The Mysterious Mr. Beef (Charcutepalooza March Challenge) | edamame eats
  65.  The Mysterious Mr. Beef aka, March Charcutepalooza Challenge « edamame eats
  66.  home cured bacon and frisée aux lardons {charcutepalooza} | simmer down! (a food lover's blog)
  67.  Remaking Christine » Brining my way to the perfect Reuben
  68.  A lesson in seam butchering | Kitchen Musings
  69.  Food - March Challenge: Brining | Free Online
  70.  Food - March Challenge: Brining | Free Online
  71.  Charcutepalooza Challenge #4: The Piganator has landed | Leave Me the Oink
  72.  Jambalaya! « Glutton For Life
  73.  Charcutepalooza: Pulled Pork, Smoked Mackerel, and Thoughts on Meat - Cookbook Archaeology
  74.  Smoking Hot: Salmon and a Smoky Chowder Recipe | TasteFood
  75.  Free Food online - May Challenge: Grinding
  76.  sausage & cabbage with potatoes | virgie and hats
  77.  Charcutepalooza – Brining and Learning
  78.  Whole Hog | Michael Ruhlman
  79.  whole ham stuffed in a pig's bladder | Michael Ruhlman
  80.  Cousin Michael’s Smoker and Pulled Pork « My Morning Chocolate
  81.  You say Chorizo, I say Chouriço | The Butcher's Apprentice
  82.  Charcutepalooza: Dropout | Grow & Resist
  83.  Free Food online - June Challenge: Stuffing
  84.  May Charcutepalooza: Grinding… Honey Biscuits and For Real Homemade Sausage Gravy | grow it cook it can it
  85.  Friends & Family Garden Tour: Sarah & Jonathan’s Community Plot
  86.  Confronting the Meat Grinder | Biscuits of Today
  87.  Charcutepalooza: Smoked Andouille Sausage - Cookbook Archaeology
  88.  Pink FlaminGO!: Food Truck Fever Hits the Streets of Detroit | eatitdetroit
  89.  Eat It Detroit: Pink FlaminGO!: Food Truck Fever Hits the Streets of Detroit
  90.  Meat Love | Writing the Undisciplined Mind
  91.  When is Salumi Being Published? | Michael Ruhlman
  92.  nic cooks » Charcutepalooza #8 Binding
  93.  This Lamb Liver Terrine Tastes Like Roquefort « Biscuits of Today
  94.  Charcutepalooza « Biscuits of Today
  95.  Wrestling with Pork Belly « Biscuits of Today
  96.  A life changing week in Gascony
  97.  SMOKIN! (both hot and cold.) | Backstage at La Cuisine
  98.  Charcutepalooza, here we come « Green Basket
  99.  Sausage Failure and Success! « Cowlick Cottage Farm
  100.  Charcutepalooza Wrap-up: Back to Basics | Smoke Cure Pickle Brew
  101.  Happy New(ish) Year! « oh, briggsy…
  102.  no counterspace » Blog Archive » Grilling on Himalayan salt blocks - wild boar, asparagus, sausages
  103.  Vivek's Epicurean Adventures » Homemade Duck Prosciutto – Another Charcutepalooza Project!
  104.  Not so Lucky, Ducky « Snappy Service Cafe
  105.  Kalustyan’s, New York | Kitchen Butterfly
  106.  SMOKIN! (both hot and cold.)
  107.  What do you do with extra pork belly? | wine me, dine me
  108.  Heaven Sent « piginapen
  109.  Charcutepalooza March Challenge: Corned Ox-Tongue and Ox-Heart | foodiePrints
  110.  Charcutepalooza, here we come
  111.  Oink, Oink – I love bacon | Write in Plain Sight
  112.  Duck Prosciutto
  113.  Nathan's Hot Dogs
  114.  Eggs Benedict with Kale and Roasted Tomatoes – Charcutepalooza #4
  115.  New England – Corned Beef "Boiled Dinner"

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