December 24, 2010

Louie and I (and Dennis) wish all of you, my dear blog readers, a very merry Christmas, happy Holidays, and the brightest of New Years.

I’m hard at work figuring out how #Charcutepalooza11 will work. Thank you all for the enthusiastic reception. I’ll be posting the Ruhls on Monday, and all the ways to get involved. In the meantime, I hope you’ve got your copy of Charcuterie under the tree or on your e-reader or already in your hot little hands. If not, buy it now with that Amazon gift card that was in your stocking and start reading.

And lest you think I had stopped cooking, here are a few links to foods I’ve been serving, eating and making for others.

Maple Poached Eggs on Buckwheat Crepes

Chili Infused Chocolate Caramels


Peanut butter bonbons

Bake a bit of goodness – s’mores from T Magazine and Charlotte Druckman (I used ginger liqueur as I had no moonshine)

Pears in Pernod Caramel

Caramelized Onion Lasagne

11 Responses to “have yourself a very merry…”

  1. Gail

    I consider my friendship with you one of my best gifts of 2010! Wishing you, Dennis and ‘the kids’ all the best in 2011!

  2. Marissa

    Louie has a Christmas patterned collar! Merry Christmas and happy holidays Cathy. I’m looking ahead to your 2011 class schedule and wish I had pounced on those classes earlier! I’ll be back for a class soon though.

    • Cathy

      Oh, how did I forget Beans? I will make up for it with too many catnip toys in her stocking.

  3. David/Ocean Pines, MD

    Happy Holiday Cathy! Following along with you on twitter this year, I feel like you have become a part of the @Flavordrizzles Kitchen and a very good friend. Looking forward to #Charcutepalooza11 and the premier of my own blog in 2011. Cheers! David

  4. Ginger

    Cathy: I made most of the cookies from your cookie boxes and they have been the hit of our Christmas Eve family get together. I will make it a yearly tradition. You are right, everyone has a personal favorite. Mine is the candied orange peel–but they were all great and beautiful! Many thanks and a very merry Christmas and a wonderful new year!



  1.  Tweets that mention Holiday greetings from Mrs. Wheelbarrow’s Kitchen --

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