April 5, 2012

Passover is Friday night. Tomorrow. I haven’t planned a seder and I’m a little sad. But it reminds me to do what I encourage everyone to do. Plan a get together. While holidays are great reason to gather, other days are worthy, as well. Celebrate friends and family.

My cousins Laura and Lizzy and I had a round robin of emails just the other day, passing around recipe links and stories and memories, in just a few words. It’s the time of year we always connect, and it’s always on the subject of food. I love them both so much, for what I see of myself, my mother, my uncle, my grandmother, in the three of us. There is a blood bond that will not be denied, but is forged, most earnestly, in our grandparents’ kitchen.

I won’t bore you with all the excuses for why I am not hosting seder, or why I don’t have an exciting new post. Instead, I am repeating my first blog post ever. Three years, and a few days, ago. On another Passover.





7 Responses to “there’s always next year”

  1. gluttonforlife

    Good Pesach to you, and happy blog-anniversary! I am making quenelles de brochette in horseradish-spiked lobster bisque for what we call Eastover (I’m a half-breed). Thanks for reminding me that this holiday is all about open arms. xo

  2. Janis

    Happy Passover hon! I know how you feel. It is a little sad not having family around on the holidays. I am having an Ethiopian dinner for 10 though. I guess injera is kinda like matzoh.

    Love to you!

  3. LiztheChef

    Wish you and Dennis were closer so we could do a get-together to celebrate both the holidays. It is only Larry and me for Easter, another kind of sad “first”. I miss the women in my family so much during this time of year. Thanks for prompting me to call my cousin, Janet – Happy Passover, Cathy.

  4. Barbara | Creative Culinary

    My children are of the age, before having their own families, that they think getting together with friends is more important than with Mom. So I feel fortunate that my youngest is meeting me for lunch tomorrow and I’m good with that. I will spend Easter in my garden; we are a month behind you and this is the first spring in three years that I can actually look forward to what some hate. Cleanup. I love it. I love seeing all of the new growth; the rebirth. That is my Easter.

  5. heidipie

    Howdy, missus! I’ve just started reading you regularly, just in time to be proud to see that you’ve scored a gig with the Times. I was thinking of you as we flew into DC on Sunday–“hey, this is Mrs. Wheelbarrow country, wonder what cannable items I’m gonna see here.” And if you had put out the word just a teenie bit earlier, I would have invited you to our seder tonight in Falls Church! But since I’m not hosting–I live in Berkeley but we’re visiting our sister-in-law–I don’t think I can do it with three hours notice. Said sister-in-law would definitely have a coronary. But chag sameach, and I hope you brazenly invite yourself over somewhere else! Cheers, heidipie

    • Cathy

      Ha! Thanks, Heidipie. There are people who can handle an extra at the table, and those who have a coronary. I’m having a lovely evening with my husband, who has been traveling. Next year? Good Pesach.

  6. Cathy

    So nice to hear from you all, my friends near and far. Wishing you a good Pesach, and may Elijah come to your door this evening.


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