March 30, 2015

IMG_2442Affirmation is good for the soul. Really good. I am just beginning to come down from a thoroughly affirming weekend with colleagues and friends. It was wonderful from the get-go to attend the IACP (International Association of Culinary Professionals) Conference. Terrific sessions, great fun seeing old friends and putting faces to on-line pals, but receiving the Single Subject Cookbook Award completely put it over the top. Over. The Top.

It was my fourth trip to the podium, having picked up three of the awards for Food52, as my pal and fellow winner, Kristen Miglore asked me. I did fear there was a very good chance of “always a bridesmaid, never the bride”. But wow.

And guess who announced my win? Yes, that’s right. He’s Aussie. He’s 6’5″. And he smells really good. Hello, Curtis Stone.


For those of you who whooped and hollared … that was totally awesome.  I am so grateful I got to share the experience with so many good friends.

Scan the complete listing of the award winnersand you’ll understand why I was (and am still) so verklempt. I was surrounded by my culinary heroes.

IMG_2443Shout out to my dream team – Martha Kaplan, Maria Guarnaschelli, Christopher Hirscheimer & Melissa Hamilton and Lauren Maturo. Hey Hey, Ally Kirkpatrick. We never imagined this, did we?

And to you, my wonderful readers, THANK YOU. You were there for me all the way.


The video, as well as the photo of Curtis & moi, courtesy Michael Edwards.

21 Responses to “Award Winning”

  1. gluttonforlife

    What a triumph! I confess I actually teared up watching the video clip. You were so cool and elegant! No one could deserve this more. Congratulations on an amazing accomplishment, Cathy! xo

  2. zora m.

    What an astonishing achievement. Clearly, you are riding a rocket to culinary stardom!

  3. Nik@ABrownTable

    Hi Cathy, I attended a panel that you were a part of at the Smithsonian last year that Monica Bhide had organized. I loved listening to you and learned so much about food and writing! It was an honor this year to be included in the IACP awards along with you and I just wanted to say congrats and thank you for being an inspiration!

  4. Nywoman

    I have goosebumps and tears in my eyes. Very well deserved award and huge congratulations.

    You went on that journey and it has paid off

  5. Capie Polk Baily

    Cathy, My sincere and hearty congratulations!! I am whooping and hollering for you here in Macedonia… hope you can hear it. Warm hugs and kisses, Capie

  6. Wendy Read

    I know how hard you worked (I have an idea anyway, from following you all along…), amazing accomplishment and acknowledgement. So happy and excited for you!

  7. Karista

    Cathy, Huge congratulations on your win(s)! It is well deserved! I have your book and I absolutely love it. One of the best culinary books I’ve purchased this year. Thank you for sharing what you love and what you do! Karista

  8. Susan Hope

    This is a wonderful achievement! You should be so proud. I have your book and use it frequently. It is a joy to use. Simple to follow and feels as if you are standing there. Thank you and congratulations for your hard work and efforts to where you are standing now! You deserve it!


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