One year ago, this little skinny miniature schnauzer came to us. We named him Morty. He had been dropped off at the shelter, two years old, never groomed, and not neutered. Two days later, everything changed. He was, er, fixed, groomed (shaved), driven three hours and handed over to us. He arrived with the Polar Vortex.
He needed a sweater.

Louie is happy to have a friend, and in no time at all they have become inseparable.

Morty perfects the “look”.

And he patrols the front door.
Welcome home, little guy. We’re so glad you’re here. Happy gotcha day.

Carol Sacks
Oh, that sweet boy!! Love the post and the photos and him:)
Steve Osvold
Oh, I think this will be the loveliest thing I read today. Congratulations to all of you!
Jill Martineau Cornish, IOM
I have a son named Martin but his brother always calls him Mort. I loved seeing your Mort… How do the dogs get along with your cat?
They tolerate each other! That’s the best I can say about the dogs and the cat!
Jill Lucas
So sweet! Kismet that he arrived in time for Valentine’s Day.
Mrs. Brown
LOVE this.
Happy “Somebody Loves Me” Day, Morty!
A wonderful canine valentine. Morty, you hit the jackpot.
Katherine C. James
Lovely. Glad your family and Morty found each other.
We have two pit bulls – both rescues and two cats, also rescues. My vicious pit bulls are terrified of the older cat – she rules the roost. Don’t you wonder sometimes who rescued who? Congratulations to all.
There is no question who rescued who! Our cat is 17 and Morty is alternately fascinated and terrified of her.
We have been thinking about getting a dog. Maybe we should go for two! They are really sweet looking pooches.
Eva. Get two. Seriously. We will never again have only one dog. It’s the best thing — to see a dog being a dog. They play with each other all the time. It’s such a lovely relationship and Louie has blossomed since Morty came to live with us.
▽ her daughter
the doggos are cute