March 7, 2011

It’s been a rough ten days. I can’t remember the last time I felt so crummy. Really awful. And Dennis is sick, too. I haven’t posted because I honestly have barely cooked for all this time. We have no appetite and I have no energy.

But it was wonderful to open two quarts of hearty homemade chicken stock, add some noodles, carrots and celery, and have warm noodle-y chicken soup to nurse us back to health.

There are many times throughout the year when I appreciate the larder, but I can’t think of another time I felt so grateful to open a jar.

I’ll be back soon. I hope. Until then, I’ll be under a lap blanket in my comfy chair sipping hot soup and hoping for Spring.

13 Responses to “late winter colds and the larder”

  1. Grace

    So sorry to hear you are under the weather. I hope you both are in tip-top condition very soon. The chicken soup will help, surely!

  2. Winnie

    Hope you two can dose yourselves up with lots of chicken soup, some raw garlic and other immune boosting stuff (can Dennis make up a Chinese Med. cocktail or something?!)…feel better soon.

  3. Tom Gibson

    To help you clean up try making a tea of thyme and star anise. About 2 Tbs thyme and 3-5 crushed star anise to a pot. This might not cure what is ailing you now but it will help keep any opportunistic ickies from taking over. I have seen this tea stop nasty head colds like turning off a switch.

    • Cathy

      Tom, this tea is brilliant. It made me feel better right away. Thanks so much.

  4. jamie

    add garlic cloves, basil, and curry to your chicken soup and it will cure what ails you (wink).

  5. Linda

    Elderberry syrup. Your local health food store should have it or make your own (if you have elderberry trees). Studies have demonstrated that it cuts healing time in half. And it tastes good! Sorry you’re not feeling well.

    • Cathy

      Isn’t St. Germaine (the liqueur) elderberry? Hmmmm. Thank you for the suggestion.

  6. sallycan

    So sorry to hear you’re under the weather, and hope that it runs its course soon. Our comforting sick day tea: to a cup of hot tea add (about for all) 1 tsp lemon juice, 1 tsp honey, a few slices of fresh ginger, 2T rum, and 1T ginger liqueur. Float the lemon slice or a strip of zest.

    • Cathy

      Sally – This was a great end of the night sipping cocktail and certainly made for a happy night’s sleep.

  7. gluttonforlife

    Cathy, maybe it’s time for you to invest in a juicer? Green juice will keep you healthy and vital–no more colds and flus! Hope you’re on the mend…


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