He’s one mess of a dog. Big ears. Scruffy beard. Wiry coat.
And I’m completely in love. It happened in 10 seconds. Seriously.
First I saw this photo online. He was in jail!
We contacted K-9 Lifesavers, the local rescue organization listed on Petfinders.com as the group who could bring us “Fonzi.” He was living in a high kill shelter in Vidalia, Georgia. K-9 Lifesavers transported this little guy up here and we picked him up at a dog boarding facility in Chester, MD.
From the moment Dennis saw him, he was smitten. But I was just goofy. Really – I couldn’t keep my hands off him. He’s so squeezable!
look how sweet he was, even on his very first walk – attentive and alert
Dennis has a new best friend.
Most of the photos and videos I took look like this. He’s always in motion and he wants to snuff the camera.
Louie has made my heart whole again.
*Big old sigh* Glad your heart is whole again, Mrs. W. So happy to see you go from "down there" to "up here".
What a sweet scruff he is! Very happy for you – and for Louie. How lucky for him to find such a loving home.
Liz the Chef
Thank goodness, we can sleep tonight, so anxious re how Louie would mesh into the loving Barrow household – frankly, I'm worn out, coming from a pet-run household 😉
Allison at Novice Life
Congrats and good for you for saving a life! He is a cutie!! And I bet he's glad to be home.
OMG, look at those ears! 🙂
Update: Louie and Beans have met. After 1-1/2 days they are getting to know eachother. Yesterday, he walked up and licked her face. Everything is working out beautifully. Other than a little separation anxiety, he's a very good boy.
Louie is good lookin' So glad you found each other!