I’m honored, thrilled and just plain floored that a recipe I have been making for nearly 30 years has been selected today as the Best Salmon Recipe on Food52. Salmon with Sorrel Sauce.
The recipe will be included in the cookbook coming out sometime next year, I think. I’m just so excited to be in such good company.
If you’ve been following along here, you know I am a huge Food52 fan. It’s completely replaced Gourmet magazine for me. (I miss the travel writing, but …)
The very concept – estabilishing a place for home cooks to gather and creating two contests a week that get your cooking mojo going? It’s a food-loving competition! How can this be bad? In fact, it’s been great. Thank you, Amanda Hesser & Merrill Stubbs.
I’ve found a wonderful community of fellow cooks *out there* on the Interwebs, made friends, met for lunch, hosted a potluck and so much more. Food52 is brilliant.
Congratulations are well in order for a lovely recipe created for Food52. You are right about the community and spirit generated by the site – to which you are a significant contributor!
such a nice compliment, lynda – i hope you know you are one of those people i'm talkin' about…
Holly B in CA
Whoohoo. Congratulations on this well-deserved recognition. I envy those close enough to you to benefit from this wonderful expression of who you are.
Congrats, Cathy! Thanks for being an inspiration in the kitchen to us all!
Kathi D
Wheeeeee that's so cool! And well-deserved!